Thursday, September 3, 2015

New paper (Paape and Vasishth, Lang. and Speech): Local coherence and preemptive digging-in effects in German

Dario Paape's new paper has been accepted for publication by Language and Speech:

Title: Local coherence and preemptive digging-in effects in German
AbstractSOPARSE (Tabor & Hutchins, 2004) predicts so-called local coherence effects: locally plausible but globally impossible parses of substrings can exert a distracting influence during sentence processing. Additionally, it predicts digging-in effects: the longer the parser stays committed to a particular analysis, the harder it becomes to inhibit that analysis. We investigated the interaction of these two predictions using German sentences. Results from a self-paced reading study show that the processing difficulty caused by a local coherence can be reduced by first allowing the globally correct parse to become entrenched, which supports SOPARSE’s assumptions.

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